Shelftalkers – 5 Questions With…
We think it can be a wonderful experience to have a chance to ask your favourite author or illustrator creative and engaging questions, so we encourage students to extend themselves beyond their review writing and propose 5 questions for submission to the creator/creators of the book they have reviewed.
Often, there will be a Q and A section on an author’s website where they have answered commonly asked questions. It is a good idea to visit an author or illustrator’s website, not only to check which questions they have previously answered, but also to see what else you might learn about them. Most authors and illustrators will also share a Bio (biography) on their website, and some are very funny to read.
We want to encourage you to be creative with your questions. Some good examples are:
- If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
- If you could keep ANY animal as a pet, which animal would you choose?
- If you had to choose one other author to be stranded on a desert island with, who would you choose?
- Would you rather befriend a thousand fly-sized bears or one bear-sized fly?
- If you could have a ten-minute conversation with any one of your favourite foods, which would you choose?
- Do you think you could win Masterchef?
- Have you ever tried to win a radio contest? What was the prize? Did you win?
- Do you collect anything others might think is odd?
- If you ran off to join the circus, what would your talent be?