Today, we at SLAV are very happy to share a change to our acceptance of reviews going forward.

Previously the Shelftalkers program has involved publishers sending books (either new releases or classics) to local schools, in order for students to write reviews that are then published on this website.

While this has been a successful model that has enabled many students to get their hands on new books, we at SLAV are interested in making the review process more accessible, less time consuming and more convenient to students, so they can get involved easily and without delay. In line with this, we have decided to do away with requiring students to review only the books sent to them by publishers.

From now on, students can read and review any book, old or new, and send us the review via their librarian to have it posted on our website, without having to wait for publishers to provide a copy of a certain text. We don’t want students to be restricted by what titles publishers have available, and this frees kids up to talk about the books they really love; the ones they’d be reading in their own time anyway. So please consult your students to see who would be interested in writing reviews for any book they’ve read, are reading, or will read, and send them along!

We will still have an ongoing relationship with publishers to ensure that some titles are sent to schools, but reviews no longer have to just focus on those books. We hope this bolsters student enthusiasm and makes Shelftalkers more accessible to all involved.

Happy reading and reviewing everyone!