Kumiko and the Dragon

Briony Stewart

ISBN: 9780702268731

Publisher: UQP

 ‘Kumiko and the Dragon’ is a wild adventurous story, written by a fabulous writer named Briony Stewart. Think about this for instance – Do you like dragons, fantasy, or engaging stories? If you answered yes, I would recommend this one!

This story is best suited for any gender! Now, if you are not interested yet you might be soon, when you find out more about the book. The main character of this story is Kumiko (you might already know because the name of this thrilling book is Kumiko and the Dragon). In this adventure, Kumiko meets a dragon named Tomodo and he takes her on a wild adventure to a Land of Clouds, were dragons roam freely. But little did she know, she has a link to these dragons which will change her life forever.

I believe that the two best things about this tale full of surprises is that there is a lot of description, you can visualise everything that happens, in your head as you read. And like in some books do, it has a meaning behind it. Other people might find other messages from the story, but this was the meaning I found…follow you heart and never let go of your dreams.

Some parts of Briony Stewart’s narrative were really funny and made me chuckle a little. I won’t tell you the parts that were funny, but if you want to know what those parts were, there is one way to find out…

I would definitely recommend this story to young readers aged 6-9. In my opinion I would rate this unique story a 4.7-star rating.

By: Neev Year 4 – Brentwood Primary School