Scout and the Rescue Dogs
ISBN: 9781760655860
Published: 2023
The summer holidays have finally arrived and Scout can't wait for her adventure in the big rig with Dad. They're on a mission to deliver donations of dog food to animal rescue shelters right across the state. There'll be lots of music, dad-jokes and a brilliant plan that will make sure everyone's got a friend for the holidays. There might even be a special four-legged friend in it for Scout. But Scout and her dad…

Scout and the Rescue Dogs is about a girl named Scout who is excited to spend the holidays with her dad, Bill, and his truck, Big Rig, after a rough school year in Arcadia. They are on a mission to deliver dog food all around Victoria for free and Scout is hoping to finally find her own dog after her mum died. However, throughout their trip, warnings of bushfires have been perpetual, and it puts Scout in distress

Scout is a brave girl who never gives up on her dreams. The Author chose to put Scout in tough situations, but Scout always conquered her fears, especially if people are at risk. The book has many deep messages that makes Scout grateful to have her Dad and Aunty by her side all the time. I rate the book 4/5 stars and I recommend it to children ages 9-12 as it’s an exceptional book that was so engaging as it had many twists and turns throughout the story.