The second instalment of a thrilling new young adult fantasy series by Australian author Garth Nix, The Sinister Booksellers of Bath continues the story of The Left-handed Booksellers of London. Set in an alternate 1980s London, a few months after the events of the first book, become reintroduced to the wonderfully strange extended family of …
Voyages and travels
Dusty in the Outwilds
A story starting off with a brave 12 year old girl named Dusty, who has a family full of secrets, starting with a path leading to the ‘outwilds’ near their house. But it does not end there, Dusty’s Aunt Meg ran away at the age of 13 and no one in the family spoke of …
The Garden at the End of the World
“At the end of the world is an island covered in ice. On the island is a mountain. Inside the mountain is a vault. And inside the vault are millions of seeds…” This is a book about how a little nature-loving girl named Isla discovers a peculiar seed and decides to secure it in the …