Waiting for the storks is a war novel written by Katrina Nannestad. The story is written about a young girl named Zofia who lives in a village in Poland in World War 2. She is stolen from her family by the Germans to live with a respectable German family. I really enjoyed this book as …
The School for Good and Evil
The School for Good and Evil is a fantasy novel written by Soman Chainani. It follows the story of two girls named Sophie and Agatha who are taken away from their home in Gavaldon and whisked into the magical world of The School for Good and Evil. I really enjoyed this book because there were …
You’ll Be the Death of Me
‘You’ll Be the Death of Me’, written Karen M. McManus, is about three kids, Ivy, Cal, and Mateo, who skip a day of school. Little did they know someone would get murdered… You should read this book because it has a great deal of suspense and McManus describes Mateo really attractively. Each chapter is written …