Blade of Secrets
ISBN: 9781782693642
Published: 2022
Ziva prefers metal to people. She spends her days tucked away in her forge, safe from society and the anxiety it causes her, using her magical gift to craft unique weapons imbued with power. She receives a commission from a powerful warlord, and the result is a sword capable of stealing its victims' secrets - a sword with the strength to topple kingdoms. When Ziva learns of the warlord's intentions to use the weapon to…

In a world where magic is the most powerful thing there is, one girl makes her living off it. Meet Ziva, an eighteen year old girl who along with her sister sells weapons imbued with Ziva’s magic. But her whole world is turned upside down after a warlord meets her. The book’s main story revolves around keeping the sword from Kymora but it also takes a view on an eighteen year old girl with magic powers and social anxiety. The way this book not only revolves around Ziva but her relations and her abilities makes you hooked with every turn. 

Reviewed by Adonis – Viewbank College