Bindi is written in verse style. It’s about an 11-year-old girl, called Bindi, who hates math, because she doesn’t understand it at all. Bindi loves art and her art classes and hockey. Where she lives, they get a lot of bushfires. The bushfires happen often. Bindi also plays hockey with her friends; they have good …
May 11, 2021
A Glasshouse of Stars
In this unique book, the author, Shirley Marr took a wild dive off the traditional layout for stories and wrote the entire book in second person. Being in second person, you are immersed into the story as if it was happening to you. It tells the story of a little girl who has just immigrated …
Tribal Lores
Tribal Lores by Archimede Fusillo is an engaging, engrossing novel which explores the life of a young teenage boy with Italian parents, set in an Australia different to the one we know today. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, because its many subplots were interesting. When reading this book, I never truly knew what to expect …