This novel is about a girl named Fred and her journey after her mother dies. She faces many struggles but somehow finds her way. The friendship of Fred and Sammy is really refreshing. Roller derby is a major theme of this novel and if you like derby, I recommend this book. What I really like …
Mount Eliza Secondary College
We Run Tomorrow
We Run Tomorrow is a new children’s chapter book by author, Nat Amoore, with illustrations by Mike Barry. Published in 2022 this is a heart-warming and adventurous, book about four friends: Jed, Sticks, Tommy, and Maki. They are splitting up from their town as they end Primary school. So, they decide to do one last …
A Good Girls Guide to Murder.
This book was so good! There were twists and turns around every corner,shocking new details around every new clue and suspect as we follow Pipwho is trying to solve the close case of Andie Bell and Sal Singh. It wasemotional, shocking, and so very realistic. I could connect with this bookand the characters in different …
The Blood Traitor.
The final of the Prison Healer trilogy, ‘The Blood Traitor’ was mind-blowing.Filled with emotion, regret, sadness, happiness, and love, so much love.We saw Kiva and her friends dealing with real world problems, and beingan inspiration to the people in her story, but the readers too. This myfavourite book in the series, and I loved getting …
The Gilded Cage
The second book in the Prison Healer trilogy was all I’d hoped it to be. Itwas funny and entertaining, with emotional twists and turns, it had mecrying, laughing, and being angry with the characters throughout the entirestory. From Kiva’s perspective we got to learn more about Jaren, and metmany amazing characters, (including one of my …
This is not forgiveness.
Jamie was warned about the beautiful, dangerous, mysterious girl Caro. ButJamie finds her different from all the other girls. The more time he spends withher, the more strange she seems. Jamie’s brother, Rob, returned fromAfghanistan war with a bad injury and isolates himself from everyone.Somehow Caro and Rob seem to know each other. This story …
Azita and Me
‘Azita and me’ is a fiction story about the friendship of Holly and Azita, both come from diverse family’s and backgrounds, and I believe Sarah Martin (the author) captured that brilliantly. Holly, who has always been bullied because she has same sex parents, immediately becomes friends with Azita, a refugee who has moved into her …
The Burning
After moving to another country, Anna thought that everything would be back to normal, until the whispers start up again. Anna is an ordinary girl who now must find new friends and fight the battle of the photos. Through all the trouble, Anna has a history project to finish for her new school, so she …
Henry Hamlet’s Heart
Henry didn’t expect much from his last year of school, with graduation right around the corner the only thing he knew he could count on was his best friend Len. All of a sudden Henry’s life is turned upside down, was it always this hard to just be friends? I enjoyed how this book captured …