One Punch by Julie Fison is a thought-provoking contemporary novel, discussing the inner turmoil that can occur when one goes against their ethics to protect their own. We are quickly introduced to the character Yasmin and her son Daniel, who has been a victim of assault in a “One Punch” accident. We also meet the …
Affirm Press
How to Tackle Your Dreams
This story is about a boy named Homer who has a talent for playing Australian Rules Football. He lives with his mum, who has been drafted into the women’s league in football. Since his dad moved away, his life has started falling apart: his friends don’t understand him and he has been spending more time …
Follow Your Feelings – Lucy and Sad
Reviewed by Bethany – Flinders Christian Community College
Follow Your Feelings – Max and Worry
Follow Your Feelings – Max and Worry by Kitty Black is an inspiring children’s story that helps children to know how they should deal with worry. I love the use of animals to represent the emotions Max is feeling. This is a book that I would recommend for young children to help them learn how …
I’m A Fabulous Crab!
Henry the hermit crab wanted MORE. He was sick of not having sequins, sparkles, flounces and frills like other sea creatures and wished hermit crabs didn’t just hide in the sand with their boring shell. The 6 year olds who read it loved the sparkly title, the glittery pictures and rhyming language. They enjoyed the …
There’s Only One Grandpa Like You
This colourful picture book with watercolour illustrations tells the reader about all the different types of grandpas you can have – from the planter of trees and tales to knowing every fact about sport. But a repeated message is ‘there is only one grandpa like you’. The book was read to group of 6 year …
Little One
This picture book is the story of many children’s love of their special toy. Pippi’s toy is called Little One and they do many things together. Pippi says ‘she’s soft like mist and always warm’. We shared this book with some 5 year olds and they thought it was a beautifully written story with gorgeous, …
The Grandest Bookshop In The World
The Coles family lived in the grandest bookshop, in 1893. This awe-inspiring book is about two children, Pearl and Valentine Cole. These two courageous children face seven challenges by the Obscurosmith, who made a deal with their Pa. Their Pa risked his life and the Arcade’s. As Pearl and Valentine face the challenges, their memories …